“This is a great opportunity for our member companies who do business in South America, For those who do not do business in South America, this is a perfect opportunity to assess if that market is for you.”
Steve Records. Former Executive Director, GEAPS
“With 30 to 50% of grain spoiling before it can be eaten, there is still much room for improvement in grain storage. We are pleased that a conference on this topic is being organized during GRAPAS LatAm, which we will of course attend’.
Roger Gilbert, President Global Storage of Grain Federation (GSGF)
"We all know that Latin America is one of the largest exporting regions of feed materials and ingredients in the world. We have observed a significant increase in GMP+ participation in the region, particularly in Brazil, Argentina, and Peru. We appreciate VICTAM's efforts to bring their events closer to stakeholders in Latin America. For this event, together with ANEC and ABIOVE we will organize a seminar dubbed as Latin America Feed and Food Safety: Challenges & Initiatives to align globally.”
Olyn San Miquel, Business Development Manager, GMP+ International